1. Summary

This document describes the setup for the computer systems in the KPFZ studio.

It is not concerned with other computers like the Streaming system and the RF Control computer.

Note that the system originally intended to be Andy's computer has been installed on Channel 17 "The Old Way".

2. System Setup

2.1. Computer Names

Computer names will be upper case. User names will be lower case.

Note that some of the documents use different names (aka).

Name Serial # Windows IP Ch Comments
KTR (aka CH17)         Partly set up
KBO (aka CH18)       15? Partly set up
KPS (aka APS)       17 - Set up the "Old Way"

2.2. Register

Register the system under a LOCAL account - NOT a Windows account.

To allow network file sharing, all users must use MS accounts.

2.3. Initial Users/Permissions

kad (local) admin
kmt (local) admin (maintenance .. reset password after use)

2.4. Sysadmin Setup

Local User ID : kad
Set locale etc.
Check system time

Workgroup: KPFZ

Turn Network Discovery Private (ON)

Currently auto-assigned, should be fixed.

Fixed IP address eg KPS (eg)
Fixed IP address eg KTR
Fixed IP address eg KBO

2.5. File System

At present we are NOT partitioning the main (C:) drive.

All file access is controlled by folder.

3. Accounts

Note : MS/W10 is not very friendly to changing a user name.  The displayed name changes, but file access (eg User > name) doesn't seem to.

WARNING: during SETUP all passwords are being set the same (and the password recovery questions all have the same answer). Once the initial system of three computers is working "real" passwords will be created.

3.1. Account Creation

Each system will be set up with a local administrator account, 'kad'

But to enable file-sharing across the network, all other accounts have to be microsoft accounts.

Microsoft accounts. (MS)

A microsoft account needs an email. We will be using k**@kpfz.org accounts.

The first time you create a new login, and select MS it will create a new MS account for you.
It will send a confirmation code to your email address.
In the process you set a password.

When you log in to the new account you give the password.
Then you can set a PIN, which will be the "local" password on THAT computer.

We have the new supa-sektrit external gmail.
A01 Get a password account under that email, which will hold all the master passwords ON HOLD

KSC Master Account ksc@kpfz.org - DONE
KSC Bitwarden Account - 2 users ksc@kpfz.org and john.saare@gmail.com DONE

Then for the systems  (each will have ALL the id's to allow switching)
kad   (local,admin)
kmt (local,admin) .. we can give this password to a support person, and then change it when done

ktr@kpfz.org  (admin) -- Note : KTR must power-up to this account MS DONE
kbo@kpfz.org   (user) -- Note: KBO must power-up to this account MS Done
kps@kpfz.org        (user) --other people using the APS computer MS Done
ksm@kpfz.org (admin)-- for Andy .. station manager  MS Done
Need to check if Andy wants this computer to auto-login. Probably not.
MS User1, User2 ..  if needed.   (user)

Authorize "admin" users for Remote Desktop (Used as a backup for RemotePC)

3.2. New User Initial Log In

The kad admin should create an account and then log into it to set it up.

Log in with the MS account name and password.
Specify "Local Files Only" .. do NOT select "One Drive"
Create a PIN for the account : ...

The desktop will be preloaded with various apps.
DELETE those which the user is not authorized for (TBD)
ADD required shortcuts.

NOTE: each account on each computer will have a unique "wallpaper" .. so you can see which computer you are logged onto, and which account.

4. Always-On Settings

4.1. Auto-Boot

Reboot and hold F1. Set Boot on Power-up to ON.

4.2. Auto-Login

Download (if needed) and run SysInternals AutoLogin.exe
Specify the user-name and password depending-on the machine.
eg KTR : set user to ktr@kpfz.org

WARNING: this has to be repeated if the login user or password is changed.

4.3. Never Sleep

Turn off "sleep" functions.

4.4. Windows Updates

In my experience a Windows update occasionally fails to restart properly.

Unfortunately Windows 10 no longer lets you select "Instal Manually".

It allows you to "snooze" an update for up to 30 days. Select this option, and then do the update at a pre-selected time.

I'm still figuring out work-arounds. Maybe have the KBO computer do a one-hour replay, and update the KTR computer in this slot.

4.5. Sound Settings

For KTR/CH17 turn all sounds OFF except as needed for Total Recorder play / recording.

For KBO/CH18 set sounds according to operating mode -- Part of "Normalize" before and after.

System Sounds must (almost) always be OFF. Use the Volume Mixer.

5. KPFZ Folders and Permissions

5.1. Folders

WARNING: this must all be done under the "admin" account "kad"

A "master" folder will be set up for each category. There will be "mirrors" on the other devices.

The name will be different for each device), in the form DEVICE_category (user name)




A permanent "fixed" USB device must be formatted to NTFS, and given a unique name eg KAR1

This will have master folders like


5.2. Permissions and Sharing

This must be done under the admin account kad

Right click on the folder > Give Access To ... > Specific People

Select from the drop-down list and Click ADD
The name whould now appear in the list - with Read access
Right-click on "Read" .. and change it to "Read/Write"

If not already done, click Share (which will give network access).

Add other people, then click Done.

Note: the OWNER can query who has access to a folder with the icacls command.

eg (from the command shell)

> icacls KTR-*

will show the access list for all the KTR folders.

6. Setting up the Behringer UCA202/222 USB Audio

BEFORE you start ... see if any other USB driver is installed - so you will be able to recognize the new one.

Right-click on the Loudspeaker, and select Open Sound Settings.

Scroll down to Input and see if anything is pre-installed (eg) - Windows Microphone (USB Audio Codec)
Remember NOT to select this one after the UCA drivers are installed.

Follow the normal instructions to connect the USB audio device and load the drivers.

However, the Windows default sets it to MONO input, where we want stereo.

Right-click on the Loudspeaker, and select Open Sound Settings (or find Sound Settings from the start panel).

Scroll down to Input and select the card (eg) - Microphone (USB Audio Codec)

Select device properties

Select Additional Device Properties (top right)

General: Optionally change the name - eg "Sound Board Master Out"

Levels: Optionally change the default level (but see overall system callibration)

: on Pull-down, select 2 channel 16-bit 44100 Hz (CD Quality)

[v] Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device
[v] Give exclusive mode application priority

Click Apply

Note: the UCA "Input" is the input to the computer , and the "Output" is the output to a channel on the sound board.

See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59QY0WL3f64
Note : this gets to the settings through a slightly different route. The options are slightly different on W10.

7. Standard Programs and Extensions

Install by kad admin. Most will be available to all users
(Total Recorder also needs to be registered per user.)

Bitwarden Password manager (windows)

Bitwarden Password manager Extension
Teamviewer on CH17 (as installed)
RemotePC on KTR, KBO
Total Recorder (register for KTR, KBO, KPS, KSM)
Remote Desktop